Sign Up
This is your one stop location to sign up for events, opportunities to serve, and provide information to the ministries of Kempsville Church. We also have some special sign ups to provide your interest in membership, serve teams, prayer, and baptism. If you have any questions about any sign up on this page, please email   
Weekly Small Groups return the week of September 8th. We have six different groups to choose from meeting on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays. Follow the link to see all of our groups and request to join one of them today!
We will be having a meal after our joint service with Maranatha. We will have chicken and drinks for everyone, but we are asking that you bring a special side dish or dessert, either a family recipe or a dish from your culture. Use this sign up to let us know you plan to participate and what you plan to bring that day.
We are having a Joint Service with Maranatha Iglesias de Dios on September 22nd starting at 10:30AM. Part of that day will involve a meal after service, so we need to set up the Sanctuary accordingly, prep the food for the event, and clean up once it is all over. You an utilize this sign up to let us know if you can serve in any of these three areas.
Help us love others as we prepare box meals for those in need in partnership with the Judeo-Christian Outreach Center. We will meet in the Multi-Purpose Room on September 21st at 10:30AM. Sign up here to let us know you plan to join!
Join the ladies of Kempsville Church for a night of fun and fellowship on September 28th at 5:00PM at Rob Batten’s home. The twist on the night is that you can bring ANY type of salad like fruit salad, taco salad, Jello salad, pasta salad, or anything else that can have salad after it. Sign up here to let us know you plan to come!
We want to get to know you, so please join us for an informal gathering on the first Sunday of the month immediately following service. We will meet in the Cafeteria (our greeters can show you the way). Use this sign up to let us know you plan to join for the next one on: October 6th, 2024. We look forward to meeting you and your family!
This sign up is intended for current members of the First Impressions Team to choose designated roles for each Sunday Worship Service. If you would like to serve on the team for the first time, please send an email to
General Interest Sign Ups